Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Information Offerings #44 - Quirky San Francisco

" Come on, do something different this time!" Cried Randy S of Quirky San Francisco.

I am East coast person. I have travel the whole eastern coast of the United States. I plan in the future to visit the west coast. ( I am dying to see a redwood. Think about it, a 300 foot tree!) But after reading Quirky San Francisco, my next stop will be there.

I have seen the sights of New York by the book and enjoyed it. but I have seen and love Boston more. Because I got to see the sights, sounds, and food that aren't on any major brochures. A few locals gave me that true Boston tour.

Now hearing about the drumming Cougar Cadets, Mr. Clarinet, coffee at the Blue Bottle Coffee, and many other unusual events. This is what visiting is all about.

And if you are into bicycling, get his free e-book Bike the Bay in 1/2 a day- your way. A step by step guide to bike across the Golden Gate Bridge. Just go to www.quirkysanfrancisco.com.

A trip in the future,
Chick J

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